Creating a multilingual ASP.NET Core app with Razor
In a previous article, we’ve learned how to create a multilingual app with UWP and Mindgaze.Languages library. The purpose now is to show how we can …
Mastering Software Development: Web, JavaScript, Databases, Linux, Ethereum smart contracts
In a previous article, we’ve learned how to create a multilingual app with UWP and Mindgaze.Languages library. The purpose now is to show how we can …
In this article we are going to design a multilingual application for Universal Windows Platform that is able to change the display language on the …
Hey there! The purpose of this post is to show how we can create a login component using NgRx which shows an error message if …
In this post, I’m going to demonstrate how to securely store secrets inside appconfig.json for Dot Net Core applications. This article is addressed to the …
The .NET Core version 2.1 introduced 2 new types that allow to work with arrays in a managed way: Span<T> Memory<T> The Span type can …
Today I was rubbing my head over a situation where an environment variable was defined in a base image. More exactly, the image microsoft/dotnet:2.1-runtime now sets the ASPNETCORE_URLS variable …
Motivation A while ago, I was asked by a client to implement a feature for an additional horizontal scrolling bar located on the top of …