September 12, 2024

4 tips to stay focused and avoid distractions

Staying focused is usually a very disregarded topic in this fast paced “modern” world we live in. Because of the high volume of information we receive everyday we often become confused and hence we forget to be focused on the right track. These tips will help you start being more focused.

1. Identify and cut-off unnecessary means

If I am to summarize this one in one word, that would be: unplug! Even at the time of this writing, I’m having my computer open and this causes a lot of distraction. Because I’ve identified the cause, what I’ll do is to unplug. Of course I’m not going to unplug my computer without saving data, but you get the idea. Take a moment to identify the things that get you distracted and shut them down. You’ll feel more relax afterwards!

2. Don’t attempt to do many things at once

Learn Spanish, take an entrepreneur course on Udemy, learn to play the guitar, do a side-hustle, outdoor activities etc. All of these are in my head and if I had 4 hands or no need for sleep, I’d do them all. However, this is not the case as life has many aspects and we can’t dedicate full time for all we dream to accomplish. So the ingredient here is to prioritize your goals and work on most important stuff first.

3. Don’t overthink

Overthinking is ruining your momentum especially in the beginning. Most likely the root cause of overthinking is the insecurity one’s feeling when dealing with the unknown. You certainly realize that you overthink when someone is making steps ahead of you. That person most likely didn’t overthink but instead started to put in practice while you were in your own infinite mind loop. Ultimately, it’s all about choice, desire and hard work. There is no shortcut in achieving anything, so trying to come up with ways of doing it magically will lead you nowhere.

4. Avoid procrastination: every bit counts

This tip refers to our human nature that likes to procrastinate things it doesn’t consider important or too hard. I bet you met people that procrastinate, let’s say when they require to give you back the book you lent them. They most likely think that it’s not something important so they are dragging it over for ages. Same goes with people that find excuses for everything. As a personal development advisor, I think that mastering this is very hard but it’ll drastically improve your life. The good news is that it’s not hard to start: as little as 5 minutes per day to work on your purpose will be enough! Mastering this will mean you are able to sacrifice a night out to work on your tasks. It so happens that people who are doing sacrifices are the ones that go further in life. Are you counting among them?

With just these 4 tips under the sleeve you get a really good jumpstart into a proper organization of your time. There can be many other tips but for now let’s learn this and you’ll notice guaranteed changes.

Thanks for reading, I hope you found this article useful and interesting. If you have any suggestions don’t hesitate to contact me. If you found my content useful please consider a small donation. Any support is greatly appreciated! Cheers  😉

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Enthusiast adventurer, software developer with a high sense of creativity, discipline and achievement. I like to travel, I like music and outdoor sports. Because I have a broken ligament, I prefer safer activities like running or biking. In a couple of years, my ambition is to become a good technical lead with entrepreneurial mindset. From a personal point of view, I’d like to establish my own family, so I’ll have lots of things to do, there’s never time to get bored 😂

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